Recovery of the historical distribution for Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal. (LIFE10NAT/ES/570)
Iberlince publishes a good agrarian practices guide for the conservation of the Iberian lynx
In this guide, farm owners and managers are encouraged to actively participate in the species’ recovery
The Life Iberlince project 'Recovery of the historical distribution of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal' (2011-2018) published a good agricultural practices guide for the conservation of the Iberian lynx, which details how, with small actions and observing some simple management practices in agricultural holdings, the agrarian sector can decisively contribute to the stabilization of the species’ population centres distributed throughout the Peninsula.
In this guide, farm owners and managers are invited to meet the Iberian lynx, an emblematic species of the Mediterranean forest, offering them a detailed description of their habitat and behaviour, while encouraging them to actively contribute to the species’ recovery, observing and following the recommendations included in it. Among these recommendations are the use of plant cover, crop rotation, reducing the use of phytosanitary products in favour of organic fertilization and green fertilizers(1).
Likewise, actions aimed at improving the natural habitat are recommended, such as implanting hedges along tracks; conserving and restoring vegetation along streams (this includes protecting irrigation ponds); maintaining enclaves of natural vegetation and isolated trees; and conserving cairns and stone walls.
The guide’s fundamental objective is to promote agrarian practices compatible with the maintenance and improvement of the natural habitat, and it can be downloaded from the project’s website (
In this publication, the farming sector is also informed on protection measures to avoid potential Iberian lynx attacks on domestic livestock, as well as the protocol to follow in the event such an attack happens. Furthermore, they are informed about the importance of notifying authorities of any activity that may be detrimental to the lynx or its habitat.
N. do T.
(1) Please check conformity: The source text “la reducción de uso de fitosanitarios o la fertilización orgánica y abonos verdes” was translated to “reducing the use of phytosanitary products in favour of organic fertilization and green fertilizers”.

30 December 2018
Shot corpse of a male Iberian lynx found in the Guadalmellato area (Córdoba)
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04 December 2018
Iberlince specialists tell 'Quercus' how to go from 90 to 590 lynxes
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30 November 2018
The director of the Iberlince project in the El Independiente
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30 November 2018
Recovery of the Iberian lynx among the scientific milestones of the last 40 years
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29 November 2018
Iberlince presents the documentary series 'De Humanos y Linces' (Of Humans and Lynxes), a project recounted by its protagonists
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26 November 2018
A female Iberian lynx dies on the A-481 motorway
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23 November 2018
Two Iberian lynx specimens corpses found
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30 October 2018
Fiscal declares the Iberian lynx conservation a success due to the collective commitment of those involved
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26 October 2018
Iberlince gathers conservation experts from different Life projects at an international seminar
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19 October 2018
The Iberlince project organizes an international seminar on Iberian lynx conservation and social conflicts
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15 October 2018
Iberlince releases an Iberian lynx in Doñana to promote the population’s genetic reinforcement in the wilderness
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11 October 2018
Aurora, a little lynx in Doñana
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