Recovery of the historical distribution for Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal. (LIFE10NAT/ES/570)
Iberlince project specialists participate in the 'Thomas de Berico' employment workshop in Orgaz (Toledo)
The conservation of the Iberian lynx promotes an environment with greater biodiversity and better ecological balance, which directly affects the quality of life of those who reside in territories where this feline is present.
This was highlighted today by Life Iberlince project specialists during their participation in the 'Thomas de Berico' employment workshop, promoted by the Provincial Council of Toledo, and held in the Orgaz municipality.
This workshop aims to train attendees in social healthcare, and part of the training was dedicated to environmental awareness, in order to sensitize participants on the importance of a well-preserved environment and its value on people’s health and well-being.
During their talk, project technicians conveyed the lynx’s importance as an agent for the conservation of ecosystems, as well as being a generator of new opportunities for the local development of rural areas.
Due to the feline’s reintroduction, the Mediterranean forest (present in various areas of Castilla-La Mancha’s geography) is showing an increase in biodiversity, which in turn improves local inhabitants’ perception of the environment.
Numerous studies show that living in well-conserved areas with high levels of biodiversity improves its peoples’ quality of life and health.
The releases of 70 Iberian lynx specimens in the region, along with a record three consecutive years of births in the wild, fill those neighbouring the Montes de Toledo region with hope, as they witness the Iberian lynx returning to these hills, and contributing to their conservation.
Employment workshop attendees showed great interest in the project, as well as in the species’ biology, which must be preserved in order for future generations to enjoy it further.
Employment workshops, like the one held in Orgaz, revitalizes municipalities by training students and providing them with new skills to improve their assimilation in the labour market.
Such initiatives focus on valuing local resources and offering multiple perspectives to generate positive welfare, health and economic impacts for the inhabitants of rural municipalities.
In this respect, the presence of the Iberian lynx becomes the greatest token of our autonomous community’s environmental quality, and the benefits it generates for its inhabitants.
With this initiative, the Life Iberlince project intends for the Iberian lynx territories to be internationally recognized as environmentally well-preserved areas, and for it to enhance the area’s inhabitant’s well being. This improvement of ecosystems boosts the landscape’s natural and cultural value.

30 December 2018
Shot corpse of a male Iberian lynx found in the Guadalmellato area (Córdoba)
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04 December 2018
Iberlince specialists tell 'Quercus' how to go from 90 to 590 lynxes
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30 November 2018
The director of the Iberlince project in the El Independiente
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30 November 2018
Recovery of the Iberian lynx among the scientific milestones of the last 40 years
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29 November 2018
Iberlince presents the documentary series 'De Humanos y Linces' (Of Humans and Lynxes), a project recounted by its protagonists
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26 November 2018
A female Iberian lynx dies on the A-481 motorway
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23 November 2018
Two Iberian lynx specimens corpses found
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30 October 2018
Fiscal declares the Iberian lynx conservation a success due to the collective commitment of those involved
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26 October 2018
Iberlince gathers conservation experts from different Life projects at an international seminar
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19 October 2018
The Iberlince project organizes an international seminar on Iberian lynx conservation and social conflicts
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15 October 2018
Iberlince releases an Iberian lynx in Doñana to promote the population’s genetic reinforcement in the wilderness
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11 October 2018
Aurora, a little lynx in Doñana
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